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Living that good life

So its been quite some time since I last blogged. It only seems to happen when I sneak away from my house and sit in a coffee shop that I can actually get my thoughts out here. My last blog post was all about living the life that I WANTED to live and had dreamed of. Well, I'm happy to say I'm moving in that direction.

As much as I was dreading my son starting school - its been amazing for getting us on a schedule! My mama heart still breaks a little each time he gets on the bus because I don't like him being away all day, I don't think I realized how grown up he'd become just from starting Kindergarten! But I love the snuggles I get when he gets home and I enjoy hearing all of his stories <3

Since I've been home with the kids I've struggled to get us on a schedule. I mean, heck, that's kind of a perk of being a stay at home mom! I get to plan out our days the morning of, or do spur of the moment activities whenever we wanted! But it was something that kind of ate at me because often times I'd feel like our day was a waste and like we didn't get to do anything (hello mom guilt).

Now, I'm setting my alarm, getting up early before the kids, working out, and then showering while they eat their breakfast. Then we walk to the school bus stop, he gets on the bus, and then Kayla and I go on with our day to get things done. But with this new schedule, I am way more accomplished by 10am then I have been in the past several months! This has helped my sanity and my mindset so so so much! I feel like a better mom because I've done something for me! I'm also journaling each day and its my own little version of therapy I guess.

Anyway, just thought I'd do a little update on my journey. I'm hoping to start adding blogging in to my weekly routine so I can put out a few posts a week, and maybe help another mama out with learning living her best life. Being able to see and feel the shifts is incredible.

So for that mama out there that is struggling, and watching another mom thinking she has her shit together - know that she is probably struggling with something as well, she just isn't ready to share about it. We all have our mom guilt, and struggles - but focus on YOU and make yourself a priority and you will begin to see shifts in your life and find yourself again <3.

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